Perhaps it would be wise to open #Ubuntu-LTS?

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at
Mon May 10 21:32:52 UTC 2010

On 10 May 2010 23:04, Mackenzie Morgan <macoafi at> wrote:
> On Monday, May 10, 2010 3:50:32 pm Jason Ribeiro wrote:
>> I have to disagree with this proposal mainly because there aren't too many
>> release-specific issues that pop up in #ubuntu that aren't in the release
>> notes.
> I don't think it's so much "release specific issues" as "uh uh uh...I know how
> to fix that on the current version but umm....hrmph...where did that config file
> used to be? and what was that menu option called? dang it I forget how to use
> that version!"
>> That's my two cents.  In the end, I don't think LTS is different enough
>> from the other supported releases to really benefit from a separate
>> channel. However, a lot of people seem to be supporting the idea, so I
>> wouldn't object to a trial period of a week or two to see how things work
>> out.
> At first they're's just that human memories adapt to what they're
> using now and forget what they were using years ago.
> I like the idea.

Spot on. It's about making people feel comfortable in their choice to
stick with LTS releases, instead of feeling they're using an old
fashioned operating system. After all, LTS is for Long-Term Support,
but it is really difficult to get support on IRC for it, except for
the first and maybe second cycle.

So far, I've been talking from a user perspective, but there is
another aspect. I know a guy who sticks with LTS releases. He's very
helpful, calm and has some really nice pedagogical skills. He was on
IRC mainly to help other people. However, he stopped helping because
he felt the questions about his versions were so few compared to the
number of questions about newer releases. If you hardly ever feel
useful, it's difficult to stay motivated. I am dead certain he would
be a valuable asset in #Ubuntu-LTS and I'm sure there are many people
like that.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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