IRC Council meeting minutes, 10 July 2010

Juha Siltala topyli at
Sun Jul 11 09:02:18 UTC 2010


Here are the minutes for yesterday's Council meeting.

*IRC Council meeting, 10 July 2010 * Attendance: topyli, Pici, tsimpson,
jussi (latter part of the meeting)

   - Topic: Review the Mentoring page for approval/rejection
      - Decided to accept the current draft
   - Topic: Burnout strategy for operators
      - Discussed possible policy options
      - Decided to amend the Operator Guidelines to encourage operators to
      take sufficient time off regularly. Operators should inform the team in
      advance when they are planning to take time off.
      - ACTION: jussi to draft amendment for guidelines. We will then work
      from that together.
      - ACTION: topyli to create vacation calendar for operators.
      - The amendment will be publicised and the calendar announced on the
      IRC Team mailing list. Pici will send the mail when everything is ready.
   - No new bugs. Bug #513915 - "IRC Clients join Ubuntu channels by default
   in Guadalinex" has been closed.

Juha Siltala
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