#ubuntu-ops policy discussion
Vantrax at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 01:10:43 UTC 2010
A users right to have a private discussions about an issue of concern (that
may involve his or another persons behavior) should be respected. There is
no valid reason a user should have to be publicly (or reasonably publicly)
humiliated in order to resolve an issue.
Transparency is not a good enough reason.
General discussion without specifics should be public though. That someone
is baned as a result of XY behaviour that is in violation of the Ubuntu Code
of Conduct, or that a ban was overturned because of Z should be public.
-Matthew Lye
You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision,
determination, and and endless supply of expendable labor.
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On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Melissa Draper <melissa at meldraweb.com>wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 11:00 -0600, Carl Karsten wrote:
> > I can see a desire for a user wanting privacy, but that is at odds
> > with transparency, and transparency wins.
> No. No, it does not. Nor should it.
> --
> Melissa Draper
> w: http://meldraweb.com & http://geekosophical.net
> p: +61 4 0472 2736
> --
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