Stepping down from the IRC team

Joseph Price pricechild at
Sat Sep 5 20:24:06 UTC 2009

I do not have the time to read the entire #ubuntu-ops (or every other
channels) backlog every day. Nor am I a mind reader. Therefore, if you
would like me to deal with an issue, please present it to me.

Now, apart from 'general feelings' that we 'can't quite put a finger
on', I've seen 3 issues raised in this thread and I'll attempt to
provide responses to them. Yes, I agree that all three of these are
issues and need to be dealt with. I am not brushing them aside, I am
suggesting how to move forward with them.

1. The "no idling" policy in #ubuntu-ops is an issue for some.
 - This policy was agreed upon by the Ubuntu IRC Council. I suggest we
discuss it with the Ubuntu IRC Council.
  - To do this, I suggest we either create a separate thread, away
from this heated discussion. Or, if you prefer, please put it on the
agenda for our next meeting.

2. The Appeals Process/Dispute Resolution Process is broken.
 - 90% of the grief I've had on the IRC Council is caused by people
not following this process. When they follow it, you would be
surprised at how much happier they end up. The three basic steps to it
are "contact the person you have a problem with", "contact that
person's peers", "contact an authority". Sometimes, that middle step
is best left out, but lets not ignore the other two.
 - If you would like to suggest changes to our appeals/dispute
resolution process, again, lets move that discussion outside of this
heated thread to a new thread, or again, add an agenda item for our
next meeting.

3. Unhappiness with specific incidents/actions by specific ops or a
specific op's general attitude.
 - I do NOT want this thread turned into a with hunt as someone above
has suggested.
 - I asked that if you have a problem with an ops actions, that you
follow our dispute resolution process, contacting them privately to
begin with, until you end up at the IRCC or CC.

>From the above, there are three types of problems, one is very
specific, about specific people. I do not think an open discussion
about their conduct is advisable. Instead, follow the dispute
resolution process.

The second is a problem you see with policy. Open discussion is
*GREAT* here. Lets do it! (Though don' tbe afraid to drop me a PM to
bounce ideas off me if you want also)

The third, and most prevalent in this thread, is opinions such as
"things were better in the olden days, there's a general problem with
everything here, lets talk about it and fix it". Stop it, please. Nail
down specific problems, like a single ops attitude, or one of our
guidelines, then shout about them. (publically or privately)  That
way, we can actually see what we're meant to be fixing.

Yes there are problems, no i don't see them all, lets actually do
something shall we?

Daviey, if you believe I've missed one of your specific
issues/problems in the above, please don't hesitate to reply if you
want advice on how we should proceed. As for the other two main
problems there, I look forward to your emails/agenda items!

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