Stepping down from the IRC team

Martin Meredith mez at
Fri Sep 4 20:25:03 UTC 2009

On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 10:36:36PM +0300, Jussi Schultink wrote:
> Hi All,
> Firstly, May I remind everyone this isnt a "dump the ops" thread. If you
> have a genuine problem with the operators or the way Ubuntu IRC is run, you
> need to bring that to the IRC Council through one of the official contact
> methods, our mailing list or our IRC channel #ubuntu-irc-council (As
> documented here If this is
> not done, we have no way of tracking an issue and making sure it is
> resolved. Secondly, Mez I want to thank you for your contribution over the
> time, effort is always appreciated. However, we have not received _anything_
> officially from you (we have checked our mailing list archives) in the last
> year, so its very hard to deal with this in a timely manner, as the problem
> was never reported.

Jussi, the email that was sent out was sent to individual members of the IRCC
individually, and I believe this was before you joined the IRCC, at around the
time that the IRCC new members were being discussed.  I've searched through my
archive, and unfortunately, can't find it, though I've just recovered my old
machine from storage, so I may be able to find it. (Edit: I can't :()

> If you care to write us a confidential email to the mailing list, then your
> concerns can be dealt with properly.

I'm quite happy to discuss this publically.

> If you do not wish to follow this up, then I consider the matter closed.

I'm not too sure that that's the right way to go about this, It's quite obvious
from the responses that I've had from respected members of the Ubuntu Community,
that I'm not the only person to feel like this.

It'd kind of hard to put a finger exactly on what the issue is. And I really
don't want to trawl through IRC logs.  I only know that the major turning point
for me where I started thinking "Maybe I don't want to be in the IRC team
anymore" was when I had a member of the IRC council make a passing threat along
the lines of "I wouldn't rely on your vanity email. If I have
anything to do with it, you wont keep that for long".  

Since then, things have got progressively worse, and I've continuously felt that
certain people within the channel (both IRCC, and some of the team in general).
To me, I feel that the bad apples (which are slowly growing in numbers) are
pulling the team apart, and I know I'm not the only person feeling this way.
Though I do wish that some of the others who're seeing the same things as I am
would pipe up (thank you Daviey).

I think the fact is, that some people in the team just don't have the
temperament to actually be part of the team in a useful manner.  Those who's
first reaction is to kick and ban, to take punitive action where it's not
needed, simply talking to the person would help.

*sigh* I don't know what to say really, this has been building up slowly over a
long time, so it's kinda hard to explain what's going on in my mind.

Martin "Mez" Meredith

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