IRC Issues [From Stepping Down]

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at
Sun Oct 4 11:54:50 UTC 2009

>> In my understanding we already have such a thing - its called the ban
>> tracker. Unfortunately its not scalable enough right now to ope to the
>> public, but you can add to the blueprint on LP (Bantracker two).
> I wasn't aware this was ever going to be opened. I was under the
> impression it was intended for the ops team only. If this included
> resolutions to any appeals, I'd consider this about the same.

I'm fairly sure that if this is going to be made public, there's going 
to need to be some stripping (read: diplomising) of some comments. 
While they don't disobey the CoC, they're probably not suitable for 
public viewing either.

>>>>> One interesting thing I learned from my segway into Gentoo (which was
>>>>> really fun) is how they handle bad language. They define bad language
>>>>> as ${EXPLETIVE}. This includes "hell" as well as other words that are
>>>>> generally considered acceptable unless overused. They follow a pretty
>>>>> specific policy. If it falls into this category, there's warn, ban, ban
>>>>> long time. They don't draw a grey line. It either is, or it isn't. This
>>>>> is a policy that I feel we should adopt. Perhaps not at the 'long time'
>>>>> length they hand out however.

Interesting.  This is obviously one hard line option, and the Ubuntu ops 
tend to take the other.  Can anyone think of any other alternatives?

The fact that this seems to be an issue that keeps coming up (what's 
appropriate and what's not) indicates that the Ubuntu Op team could 
likely come up with a better solution here - and saying "I don't like 
your idea" isn't helpful - say that, then suggest another possible 
solution to the problem, if you can think of one.  If you can't, think 
harder - I'm sure there are more than 2 solutions to this.


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