
Melissa Draper melissa at
Mon Mar 23 00:27:19 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 00:32 +0100, Lorenzo J. Lucchini wrote:
> I have introduced a new bot into the main channels (#ubuntu, #kubuntu, 
> #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-offtopic, as well as some in the #ubuntu-it hierarchy).
> The bot is a fork of FloodBot, and is intended to provide a relatively wide 
> range of features.
> I'm not simply adding features to FloodBot (actually, I've moved some of the 
> less vital FloodBot features into WatchBot), and I've made a new bot instead, 
> because FloodBot needs to stay very responsive, while WatchBot performs some 
> CPU and network intensive tasks.
> The only feature that is currently working, in beta phase if you like, is URL 
> screening. I'll describe it now, while I'll describe other features later 
> when I've actually got them implemented.
> WatchBot looks for URLs posted into the channels, and does the following 
> things in this order:
> - consults an internal whitelist, and if the site is listed, nothing is done 
> about it
> - consults an internal blacklist, and if the site is listed, !ops is called 
> and a warning to the poster is sent on the channel
> - consults<hostname>, and if the site matches 
> a "bad" category (and does not match a "good" category), then again !ops is 
> called and a warning is sent
> - looks at the HTML code on the URL's page for some "bad" keyphrases, and 
> calls !ops and warns if one is found
> "Bad" and "good" categories, as well as "bad" keyphrases, can be defined on a 
> channel-by-channel basis (while the whitelist and blacklist are currently 
> global).
> At the time being, "bad" categories for #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #ubuntu+1 are:
> Malware, Dating, Drugs, Gambling, Hate/Discrimination, Nudity, Phishing, 
> Politics, Pornography, Religious, Sexuality, Tasteless, Adult Themes, 
> Television
> There are no "good" categories.
> "Bad" categories for #ubuntu-offtopic are:
> Dating, Drugs, Gambling, Hate/Discrimination, Nudity, Phishing, Politics, 
> Pornography, Religious, Sexuality, Tasteless, Adult Themes, Television
> "Good" categories are:
> Top site, Photo sharing
> The only "bad" keyphrase currently present is "sudo passwd root".

Since when is television o4o?

> I've sent this email both to clarify the purpose of the new bot and to ask for 
> feedback with regards to choice of categories and keyphrases (new keyphrases 
> are especially welcome, it the use of keyphrase matching is deemed 
> appropriate to begin with).
> Note that currently, !ops is not really called, but only "simulated" in 
> #ubuntu-ops-monitor, to avoid triggering annoying false positives during the 
> testing phrase.
> by LjL
> ljl at
Melissa Draper

w: &
p: +61 4 0359 5395

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