Post election IrcTeam/IrcCouncil changes

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Dec 22 16:55:47 UTC 2009

Nathan Handler wrote:
> In that case, would you be willing to explain the details of the
> position? A few days ago, I had contacted a few CC and IRCC members
> about the position. Most of them though that the chairman referred to
> the CC member that will be sitting on the IRCC. However, upon
> contacting Jono, he explained that the purpose of this position is to
> break ties that come up during votes. On a 5 person council, if we
> implement Joseph's suggested change for how to handle voting, we would
> need at least 3 people to vote the same way for a decision to pass. As
> a result, there would not be a tie. If 4 members attend a meeting and
> there is a tie (2 +1's and 2 -1's), I think that the fifth IRCC member
> should be able to break the tie. Someone else that I contacted said
> that the chairman was also for situations where there is not a
> complete IRCC. I would hate to see one person (the chairman) be able
> to make decisions for the IRCC himself or with only one other person
> supporting him.
> Could you please clarify exactly what the chairman position is and why
> it is necessary?
It's fairly standard that the chairman have a casting vote. Deadlock can
happen in lots of ways, and it needs to be clear how to resolve that
without necessarily escalating to the CC.

The CC representative, the separate role we discussed, would definitely
not be the chairman.

In the Forums Council, I believe Ryan Troy still holds the position of
Chair, but I stand to be corrected. We would generally look to identify
the most established leader and endorse them as the Chair.

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