Request: (Core) ops available from 01:00 UTC -- 05:00 UTC

Lasse Havelund lhavelund at
Tue Dec 22 02:20:56 UTC 2009

In the past two days, I've had the pleasure of a messed up sleeping
schedule, which has left me hovering
around the IRC-sphere at god-awful hours of the night.

I only have access in #ubuntu-offtopic, but I still attempt to patrol
#ubuntu whenever I'm around, so as to
notice any incidents before they occur and, er, report them to the correct

In the past two nights, I've had the unpleasant experience of being left
with situations, which were left for
a long time before they were managed--last night, an incident[1] required *
five* seperate ops calls, before
tritium was able to help me out dealing with the issue.

Consider this a request for the new IRCC (congrats, by the way!) to identify
if this is a general problem,
and, if the IRCC is able to confirm this, appoint ops who are around during
these hours.

Lasse Havelund

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