Call for comments on IRCC nominees

Juha Siltala juha at
Fri Dec 18 11:13:43 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-12-18 at 09:03 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Chris Oattes <mailinglist at> wrote:
> > I fail to see how anyone can nominate themselves, or promote others for a
> > role that is essentially, at present, undefined. The relationship between
> > the IRCC, CC, Freenode staff and other ops should be determined, along
> > with the responsibilites of the people sitting on the IRCC before people
> > are put forward for the position. The alternative is electing people to
> > the IRCC and telling them what their role is afterwards; a role they may
> > not be best suited for.
> While I respect your point of view, I can't agree. All of those who
> have nominated themselves for the role of IRCC member know what they
> are getting into because the IRCC has been a body which has existed
> now for several years, and has a charter with an obvious and crucial
> remit for the IRC community. There may well be clarifications and
> review that are needed to the governance processes, and indeed that is
> the sort of thing that every governance body in the community
> undertakes on a constant and ongoing basis, but that's not the same as
> saying that nominees for this role have *no* idea what they are
> getting into: they certainly do.

I for one did certainly not nominate myself for a committee that could
be replaced by a shell script. I am human, and the IRC Council deals
with humans and their interactions. I am prepared to deal with issues as
they appear, not to work on an assembly line, so let's stop looking at
organization charts and take care of the issues in real life instead.

I do undestand that clear guidelines are generally a good thing that
will speed things up and reduce the cost of dealing with humans. This is
what all institutions are all about. But please let me stress this one
more time: we want to have the right people on board and we can figure
everything out. Prolonging this process is not very helpful.

Juha Siltala

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