Call for comments on IRCC nominees

Terence Simpson kubuntu.tsimpson at
Fri Dec 18 04:18:20 UTC 2009

Nathan Handler wrote:
> I have gone ahead and made a few more changes to the IrcCouncil wiki
> page. While doing so, I noticed this line "The Council will have a
> chairman with a casting vote, appointed by the Community Council".
> After asking around, I was told that this chairman is a member of the
> IRC Council who is chosen by the Community Council. In the case of a
> tie during a vote, this chairman is able to break the tie and make a
> decision. However, if we require a majority of the IRC Council to be
> in agreement for a decision which requires a vote to be made, we will
> need >= 3 +1's or >= 3 -1's. This makes it impossible for their to be
> a tie. Therefore, is there really a need for such a chairman?
> Nathan
Heh, I just read my message again and slapped myself with the clue-stick ;)
3 is the majority needed to pass, so there can be no tie, as far as I
can see, you're right.


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