Renewed call for nominees - IRC Council

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Dec 1 07:50:59 UTC 2009

Hello everybody,

The Community Council would like to renew the call for nominations [1]
for the staffing of the IRC Council. The IRC Council consists of five
members and three seats are currently vacant. The Community Council
will be working closely with the IRC Council over the coming 6-12
months and it is an exciting time for the IRC community. We would
really like to see some more nominees come forward with a passion for
improving governance and user experience in our IRC channels, which
are essential resources in the Ubuntu community as a whole.


If you are interested in the Ubuntu IRC world and in improving and
sustaining transparent and healthy governance in this area, we would
like to hear from you. The only preconditions for nominees are that
you be an Ubuntu member and that you be passionate about improving IRC
governance, in particular in the areas outlined by the CC as their
principal governance expectations on

In order to nominate yourself to be considered for the role, please
prepare a brief summary on your personal wiki page of your
contributions to the Ubuntu project generally (which you may have
already as a result of becoming an Ubuntu member) and include in the
page some details about your personal plans and ideas for Ubuntu's IRC
world. Testimonials regarding your IRC experience within the Ubuntu
community are also welcome.

Then simply email your name and wiki page to the IRC Council at
irc-council at All nominations will be passed onto
the Community Council. Alternatively you can email the Community
Council directly at community-council at

Nominations will be accepted until Friday, 11 December 2009. Feel free
to encourage others to apply if you feel they would be a good nominee.

We look forward to working with you.

The Ubuntu Community Council

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