Standing Outside the Moat, Examining Drawbridge

Joseph Price pricechild at
Fri May 2 20:33:00 UTC 2008

My favourite windows irc client is xchat, available for free from Once installed, you need to connect to the freenode network
(it gives a list to choose from) and then you can type '/join #ubuntu'
without the quotes to join the Ubuntu support channel.

Alternatively you can go on irc without installing a thing by using

Finally, there are other support options such as and amongst others.


On Fri, 2008-05-02 at 02:57 -0400, James R. Liebert wrote:
> Can I access Ubuntu IRC help from within Windows, for example, using
> AIM?  A complete novice at Linux, I need help with proper formatting
> of NTFS partitions as preparatory stage of installing Ubuntu 8.04 as
> dual-boot with Win 2K Pro.  
> Have read discussion of Dual Booting Windows and Ubuntu at
> but am unclear as to impact on Windows partitions of resizing and
> creating swap, root and separate home partitions upon Ubuntu
> installation.  Clarifying details to follow when I've found correct
> doorbell to ring.
> I apologize in advance if I have trespassed against a specialized
> communications channel.
> James Liebert
> Akron, Ohio

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