Freenode #ubuntu* Channels are Too Fragmented, Over-specialised and "on-topic"

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at
Sun Jun 8 13:29:21 UTC 2008

Shlomi Fish wrote:
> I didn't like forks, because they make discussions less interesting. I
> mean, it's bad enough there's a
>, does there have to be a
> Seriously now.

Where's #ubuntu-hardware-wireless-intel-opensource?  I'm sorry, but the
channels are not too specific.  Each Ubuntu project, including
#ubuntu-women, has a right to create a channel for which the project can
discuss items and topics without disrupting other project channels.
There may be many, but they exist for a good reason.

> 1. On #ubuntu , an op informed that it was off-topic there, and that I
> should address a more relevant channel, and shortly afterwards he
> devoiced me, while I intended to follow his request.

#ubuntu is not a voiced channel, but it should not have been addressed
there anyway.

> 2. On #ubuntu-women, after I say "Hi all!" and said I wanted to
> discuss it, someone became an op and asked me to /part, which I did,
> reluctantly.

If the problem existed with this project, then this would be the place
to turn.  If not, then this would also be the wrong channel.

> 3. On #ubuntu-ops, where I tried to complain about her/him (I think it
> was a she), I was told to private-message someone, and then that I
> should leave the channel for maintenance, and the private-messsaging
> of this guy did not yield any benefit.

Who were you asked to pm?  This channel could, or could not be the right
place as well to address your issues.

> 4. There didn't seem to be anything I could do on #ubuntu+1 , and I'd
> rather not have talked there.

That would definitely be the wrong channel to take up your problem.  As
with #ubuntu, this is a support channel.

> The problem as I see it is that the Freenode's #ubuntu* channels are:
> 1. Too fragmented.
> 2. Too over-specialised.

Disagreed.  Each channel for its project.  What do you propose?  I
certainly don't want my team channel mixed with another team (or all)
channel.  What gain would come from that?

> 3. Too trying to stay on-topic.

Welcome to IRC and mailing lists.  If this is a problem, then
#ubuntu-offtopic would be the place you could hang out.

> 4. Having too many short-tempered and abusive ops.

While this may be true is some isolated cases, for the most part, the
Ubuntu channel operators are good ops.  Every incident I have seen over
the past 4 years while on IRC, each case has been rightly justified, and
the offender not taking the time to understand why he/she is being a
problem.  Rather than "[h]aving too many short-tempered and abusive
ops", it's usually a case of "having too many irrational and illogical

Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign   X
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