locobot, ubotu

Jonathan Patrick Davies jpds at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 4 18:44:12 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 08:53 -0600, Jeronimo Martinez wrote:
> Hi, i'm #ubuntu-ni op (xblackfire),  and want to know how can we get a
> locobot for #ubuntu-ni, my locoteam is an approved locoteam, and would
> like to have a locobot for the channel

The locobots are run by Matthias Urlichs (CC:ed). When he has time, I'm
sure he'll be happy to place a bot in your channel.

> the ubotu bot is no longer in the channel, is there a problem with
> this bot ? 

ubotu is on holiday. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots - if you
wish to have its replacement in your channel, please poke either jussi01
or stdin in the #ubuntu-irc channel on Freenode.

Have a nice day!
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