When will we have more ops in #ubuntu during the Australasian day?

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 1 11:40:43 UTC 2008

Martin Meredith wrote:
> This 1) Leaves a gap where noone is covering the channel and 2) means
> that if, for example, there are only 2 AU ops (Which AFAIK there is -
> Sarah and Melissa) - Then it gets a bit messy for them to just have to
> deal with it. Which I think is the point.
> At the moment, as far as I'm aware - Most of our Ops are in USA/UK -
> apart from a select few. We need more people around to cover the peak
> times for the eastern sections of the world. Hobbsee and elkbuntu
> shouldn't have to deal with it on their own.

@lart Mez for managing to spell two nicks wrong.

Yes, this is the point.  Melissa is now doing full time work, and often 
isn't looking at IRC.  I'm at university normally, and I'm also 
attempting to step down from userland channels.  Therefore, there's an 
awful lot of time where no one is looking at the channel, or on call, at 

Thus, my rationale for my mail.


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