Channel setup for Gutsy release

M. Spruell mspruell at
Tue Oct 16 22:41:31 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Lorenzo J. Lucchini wrote:
> - PROVISIONAL: keep #ubuntu+1 open, and use it for Feisty->Gutsy upgrade 
> questions only, while #ubuntu should be used for "installed-system" questions 
> only (see !upgrade).
> * Rationale: upgrade-related questions will make up a big part, probably the 
> majority, of support questions in the week(s) to come. As with past releases, 
> certain people will naturally "specialize" in upgrading problems, making a 
> dedicated channel appropriate. On the other hand, "normal" support questions 
> shouldn't be lost in the scroll-hell and left unanswered.

I do not agree with this.  Two primary support channels will divide the
helpers and confuse the users.  "Where am I supposed to be?"
I would like stay with the practice of closing #ubuntu+1 down until the
repos for Hardy Heron open.
> - TEMPORARY: set +J channel mode on #ubuntu, with appropriate throttling 
> values (as tried in the past). Monitor #ubuntu-unregged constantly for 
> overflow.
> * Rationale: let's face it, we are going to experience many more attacks than 
> usual, and given the increased amount of people in #ubuntu and the increased 
> amount of messages, repeated attacks would simply make the channel 100% 
> useless. While +J still has some problems, and we should handle it carefully, 
> it will likely allow us to manage the channel better.

The throttle rate will have to be carefully done, as quite a lot of
Ubuntu users are not very irc savvy.

If we are worried about organized disruptions, perhaps various operators
can create aliases to instantly op up and enable a preset +J setting in
the channel.

I think having +J on for 2 or 3 weeks 24/7 will (again) be confusing to
users, because, no matter how you set it, it's gonna catch folks.

Enabling one of the bots to set an variable channel limit (similar to
how #debian does it) every minute or so, might be another option, that
would not inconvenience folks like +J might.

M. Spruell
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