Unban timer for ubugtu & IRC council

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 31 23:01:16 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

I'm implementing an often-requested feature for ubotu: auto-unbanning. I
need your help determining a few things:

Syntax, I propose the following:
@unban time comment

The time parameter is an amount of hours (eg 10h) or days (eg 5d) into
the future, the comment parameter is a free-form, but mandatory argument
that will be entered as comment in the bantracker. @unban will affect
the last ban you set in an ubotu-monitored channel.

pro: simple to use, maybe more comments in the bantracker :)
con: can't set the unbanning for others.

Default unban times:
I think there should be a default unban time so the banlists don't fill
up too much. How about:
- Mutes removed after 6 hours
- Bans removed after 3 days

Comments, please!

About the approval of the IRC council:
I received a phone call from jono this week about some concerns he has
with how the IRC council is formed. At the last meeting elmo had some
concerns relating to the January incidents. These two combined, mean
that there will be a BOF at UDS to flesh out two things a bit more:

* IRC council creation - who gets chosen and how. Jono wants to do this 
  more like the forums council was chosen, roughly saying: instead of a 
  vote among operators, which he feared could turn into a popularity 
  contest, I will propose a set of people. (Would be the same people 
* Operator guidelines - needs to be fleshed out more and a few things 
  need clarification.

I'll be writing a spec for that soon.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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