Ubuntu Code of Conduct

Adam Miller maxamillion at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 19:35:34 UTC 2007

For the record, this "quote" is incorrect:
"> > Adam Miller wrote:

[.. why do people like Sarah Hobbs get away with abuse ..]"

And yes, I get angry in many instances. I have lost my cool, and who hasn't?
But I have never done so in an Ubuntu related environment: IRC, Forums,
meeting, or otherwise because I understand that I signed a document saying I
would administer myself in a manner otherwise.

This whole, "don't blame us because we are human and thus flawed by nature"
attitude is relatively annoying and honestly intolerable.

I'm not on the Canonical pay role but I conduct myself in a professional
manner when it comes to the affairs of Ubuntu business because I feel it is
my responsibility having signed the CoC and I would hope all others who
signed would as well. It took me 6 months of personal debate before I signed
the CoC. I had even been a member of the Ubuntu-Op team for some time before
signing and I finally came to the conclusion that it was something I could
handle as a person.

I'm not saying, "be perfect, don't be human", but look at it from this stand
point: If you ran a company and an affiliate of your company signed a
document that you published allowing the individual to represent some
instance of your company to the public and then this individual not only
didn't conduct themselves professionally but publicly slandered others,
regardless of circumstance, what would you do?


On 7/1/07, Patrick Frank <paddy.frank at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/1/07, Paul O'Malley <ompaul at eircom.net> wrote:
> > > Adam Miller wrote:
> [.. why do people like Sarah Hobbs get away with abuse ..]
> > All people are human and if you are pushed by some random event I have
> > no doubt that you also loose your cool. Can you say you don't?
> Paul, you are funny.
> You and some Freenode Staff members aswell as some members of the Ubuntu
> IRC-Council modify the reality like it fits best for your personal needs.
> Thats psychology tricks from the marketing and advertizing field.
> Fact is, the both sides are possibly human.
> But depending on the position of one involved person, the opponent person
> is automatically a troll or offender.
> And no matter how the conflict between Sarah Hobbs and me shows to other
> people, fact is that she told me repeatedly to fuck off. And there is
> different levels of escalation.
> Her second step was to take one of my mailing list postings and quote them
> with the comment "this person is a troll, be warned".
> And then you always look at the end result, and not how involved people
> used clearly the wrong methods for de-escalation and conflict management.
> Its impossible to have a more perfect conflict management as user than
> people in priviledged positions.
> Keep that in mind.
> Patrick
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