Ubuntu Code of Conduct

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 1 13:05:13 UTC 2007

On Sunday 01 July 2007, Paul O'Malley wrote:
| Adam Miller wrote:
| > I don't know about the issue that is in discussion and I probably don't
| > want
| > to be part of it, but how can the statement "Don't be fooled, Sarah is
| > correct."
| All people are human and if you are pushed by some random event I have
| no doubt that you also loose your cool. Can you say you don't?
| P.

And lets not forget the CoC has no clause that says "YOU CAN'T SPEAK FREELY" 
either. Yes it does say respect, and if Sarah told you to so called "fuck 
off", I guarantee he deserved it then. In the 2 years being around Sarah on 
IRC, I can't even think of one time she has sworn at all. actually I grepped 
the logs and see "damn" a few times :)

Adam, can you show me these "repeated claims"? I seen one person say she said 
that to him. And you know what, if Sarah said it, he deserved it. Probably to 
the point that "fuck off" was probably the nicest thing one could have said 
to him.

Let me message you many times on IRC trolling or bugging you, go ahead and 
ignore me, that is easy to get around. I guarantee eventually you will 
probably tell me to fuck off as well.

Listen people, the CoC is great and all for community direction, but one thing 
we will not allow the CoC to do is restrict our freedom.

Also, the "don't be fooled, Sarah is correct" statement isn't being said about 
fuck off damnit, it is being said about the dude being a troll. And when a 
Freenode staffer says you are a troll, hey guess what, YOU ARE A TROLL!  In 
what way is that violating the CoC?

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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