IRC council votes

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Wed Jan 31 15:49:49 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 31 January 2007, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
| Here are the candidates for the election of IRC council member. Every op
| currently in the launchpad ubuntu-irc team can cast 1 (one) vote for his
| or her preferred candidate. It is not possible to vote for yourself.
| Voting can be done by replying to this e-mail on the mailinglist, or if
| you prefer to vote anonymously, to me privately.
| Voting period ends in 7 days, wednesday feb. 7, 23:59 UTC.
| The candidates in alphabetical order:
| * Francis Giannaros (apokryphos)
| * Lorenzo J. Lucchini (LjL)
| * Melissa Draper (elkbuntu)
| * Rob Stoffers (rob), wanted to nominate himself according to apokryphos
| * Sarah Hobbs (Hobbsee)
| * Travis Watkins (Amaranth)

Damn, all great candidates! My choice at this time is Hobbsee. It will of 
course change if I take any more pointy sticks to the face :)

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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