is offtopic -offtopic

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Sat Jan 27 23:54:39 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007, M Spruell wrote:
| #ubuntu-offtopic is a place where the users of #x/k/ed/ubuntu-* can
| congregate and speak freely among their peers.
| Being an op in ANY channel is not going to win any popularity contests.
| Being an op is a responsibility that some may not feel comfortable with.
| Calling for #ubuntu-offtopic to be closed and/or disparaging it as "a
| hive of scum and villainy" is an admission of failure, instead one
| should attempt to be a better channel operator and guide the environment
| of the channel.
| Guidance is one responsibility that channel operators have.
| M. Spruell

I have no problem helping with guidance if it is needed. But I am sorry, as it 
stands, if I am going to tell someone in the main support channels that they 
need to take it to offtopic because it doesn't belong in the main channel, 
and they get there and see the "CRAP" I am seeing tonight, or any other time 
I have been in there, they automatically see it as a bad part of Ubuntu. I 
have no problem with an offtopic channel, I love talking smack right along 
with the next guy about what ever, but if it has nothing to do with Ubuntu, 
then why associate Ubuntu with it by keeping it as #ubuntu-offtopic?

I remember last year (err 2005), and I don't remember the channels like that 
then. That is when I hung out there. But then since about August or whenever 
I left the channels, it has been nothing but sex, drugs, politics, and 
everything else that shouldn't be associated with Ubuntu.

It is the association with Ubuntu that I have the problem with. I noticed that 
##offtopic even redirects to #ubuntu-offtopic. Why not have all of the 
offtopic channel redirect to to ##offtopic, and remove the Ubuntu 
association? Everyone can still do as they wish and it won't look like the 
Ubuntu ghetto, as it does now.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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