Failed meeting / real life getting in the way

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Thu Feb 15 09:56:05 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm sorry that I did not make it to the meeting today, but there's a
serious case of "real life" here which costs me more time than I
expected (don't we all hate real life...).

More importantly, i did not even finish the documents yet that I was
supposed to write, but I will do that today. Let's do the review on the
mailinglist when that's done. I'd also like to collect opinions on the
situation with Cody, so please reply if you want to voice your opinion.

As last and most important point, the IRC council.

It was a close race, but in the end Hobbsee won with one more vote than
LjL. However, I want to welcome them *both* as members of the IRC
council. The reason for a sudden extra member is that I'm going to step
down from the council when it's all working as it should. I will remain
active as operator, but cloaks, freenode contact business and
guidelines/appeals process will be the responsibility of the remaining
council members.

For the next Community Council meeting, I'll ask the council to
recognize our stucture officially so we can move forward with group
contact forms and me stepping down.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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