Possible leave of absence

Anthony Yarusso tonyyarusso at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 7 06:28:22 UTC 2007

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Hey all.  I just wanted to fill you in that some personal things have
come up and I really don't know what will be happening in the coming
weeks/months.  While it's possible nothing could change on the Ubuntu
front, I feel that it is more likely that some or all of my
involvement will need to be scaled back or changed in some way.  I
want you to know that I have very much enjoyed everything I've been
able to do with this community, and will be continuing to participate
if that turns out to be possible.  If not, I will be back, I just
don't know when.  I ask everyone involved to try to be understanding
and flexible in working around stuff.  I've tried to summarize the
things I've been part of / in charge of below so that everyone can
keep track of areas that may need to be covered otherwise:

IRC Operators team:
While I don't need to be considered as "left", depending on how things
work out and your judgment you will need to decide whether it makes
sense to bring another person onboard to help out.  Any time that I am
on IRC I will of course be happy to fulfill my duties here, it's just
that I don't have any idea how often I will be online.  My access
channels are as follows:

New Users Network:
We had talked about me taking over the Classroom scheduling side of
things, with others also helping out with various leadership tasks.
Unfortunately, I think it would probably be unwise to continue with
that plan, as I doubt that I would be able to do as good of a job with
that as it needs.  Again, maybe it will turn out that I'm around
plenty anyway and can be tapped as a significant resource, but I won't
know that for at least a few weeks yet, and given that it's already
February we probably need to have some sort of action taken much
quicker than that.  Some of the information I have collected so far
resides at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Ideas.

Ubuntu Canada:
Here I probably have my least "official" involvement.  Relevant points
for you guys would be that I probably still can do a Canada Planet
administration stuff if you choose to do that, since it's a relatively
low-commitment task.  Personally, there's a good chance my blog will
disappear again for a while, since I am going home, to dialup, and
won't be able to self-host anymore, so that will be pending change in
some area sadly.  Dave can keep up the good work on announcements
about Toronto craziness I hope.  I had also been hoping to try to get
the Ojibwe translation off the ground; I have no idea when, if ever,
that will happen.  I know a couple other people in Toronto were
looking at this too.  I had https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-oj,
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOjibweTranslators, and
Ubuntu-l10n-oji at lists.ubuntu.com set up already, just waiting to be
used.  Trent and Lakehead Universities have large communities of
native speakers worth tapping if someone wants to send off and e-mail
some time, my primary concerns here being explaining what this is all
about, and communicating the poor state of Rosetta for dialectically
fragmented languages at the moment.  Oh, and Corey -  you can either
keep my stickers or add a little more postage and send to MN at your
option; I'm going home.  But really, do get them to everyone else
before the next passage of Halley's Comet.  :P

Marketing team:
I have been helping as of late on UWN, with beats of Security
bulletins and In the Press, although I've actually been doing random
other things like Community Spotlight more often.  Cody also had his
name on Security; could someone else step up for In the Press?

Hopefully around a bit or at least back soon,
Tony Yarusso
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