Unban timer for ubugtu & IRC council

John Vivirito gnomefreak at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 02:37:57 UTC 2007

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Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm implementing an often-requested feature for ubotu:
> auto-unbanning. I need your help determining a few things:
> Syntax, I propose the following: @unban time comment
> The time parameter is an amount of hours (eg 10h) or days (eg 5d)
> into the future, the comment parameter is a free-form, but
> mandatory argument that will be entered as comment in the
> bantracker. @unban will affect the last ban you set in an
> ubotu-monitored channel.
> pro: simple to use, maybe more comments in the bantracker :) con:
> can't set the unbanning for others.
> Default unban times: I think there should be a default unban time
> so the banlists don't fill up too much. How about: - Mutes removed
> after 6 hours - Bans removed after 3 days
> Comments, please!
> About the approval of the IRC council: I received a phone call from
> jono this week about some concerns he has with how the IRC council
> is formed. At the last meeting elmo had some concerns relating to
> the January incidents. These two combined, mean that there will be
> a BOF at UDS to flesh out two things a bit more:
> * IRC council creation - who gets chosen and how. Jono wants to do
> this more like the forums council was chosen, roughly saying:
> instead of a vote among operators, which he feared could turn into
> a popularity contest, I will propose a set of people. (Would be the
> same people though) * Operator guidelines - needs to be fleshed out
> more and a few things need clarification.
> I'll be writing a spec for that soon.
It all sounds good to me

- --
Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito

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