#ubuntu-ops is live

Francis Giannaros francisg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 07:28:20 UTC 2006

On Monday 12 June 2006 03:27, Hobbsee wrote:

> As long as we have the #ubuntu-ops that anyone can join, as long as they
> dont create havoc, then I cant really see a problem with that.
> And if you want it public, then stick ubuntulog in there, and log it.

I pretty much agree.

As I mentioned in the channel, it's better to have things out in the open. We 
have nothing to hide :). If it becomes the case that we really just want some 
quiet to discuss issues amongst us ops, then we can then consider setting +m 
perhaps. But we can see how it goes. We shouldn't have +i.


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