automatix questions

Paul O'Malley ompaul at
Mon Jun 5 20:11:51 UTC 2006

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:

>On ma, 2006-06-05 at 21:42 +0200, Jan Vancura wrote:
>>Considering how many people read this list - i wouldn't fear the
>>flames... and I'm quite curious on how teh IRC team stands on aut'x
>>and EU as well.
>My first reply went in private to John, sorry for that.
>My position on a-x will remain the same. Last time I looked at it, it
>could not be fixed without ditching the codebase and starting from
>scratch. I feel a bit icky about e-u but have to admit I didn't look at
>recent versions yet. I see no reasons not to recommend e-u.
I checked the source for a-x yesterday.
I shuddered.

Need I say more

Best to read the docs as RG says himself in mails.



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