Meeting Summary ( longish)

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Thu Dec 21 23:27:40 UTC 2006

On vr, 2006-12-22 at 10:10 +1100, Peter Garrett wrote:

> Seveas suggested that the @reconnect issue be filed as a bug.

@reconnect is in place already :)

> There was general agreement that bantracker logs should be made public,
> but that comments should not. There were some dissenting voices, but it
> was eventually agreed that for the sake of transparency comments should
> also be public. The logs would be read-only for the public.

Taken care of

> * #ubuntu-ops
> It was agreed that the channel logs should be public.

Can someone please poke fabbione for ubuntulog?

> It was agreed that "If someone appeals in #ubuntu-ops, the banning op is
> not allowed to act, only to defend his actions"

> It was generally agreed that the ops team should work on solidarity, and
> that there needs to be regular communication. There was agreement that
> regular meetings need to be held.

How about another meeting in 2 weeks time, discussing the defered points
from this one?

> There was also discussion of the role of the council, and Seveas pointed
> out that we now had a vacancy owing to the departure of ompaul. Several
> people said that they had spoken with ompaul, and the meeting agreed that
> should he decide to return, he would be welcomed back.

> There was some discussion of the role of the council, its composition and
> how cloaks are approved, including a suggestion that there should be a "no
> ops" council, which was not agreed to.

I'll take care of a clarification on the wiki.

Thanks for the excellent summary!
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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