What do we need to change?

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Wed Dec 20 01:48:08 UTC 2006

Once again LjL surprised me by being brilliant. He gave the so far most
accurate description of the current situation we are having.

<LjL> you know i don't really much care about all the dynamics, but
we'll be all questioning each other about the dynamics, tomorrow. we'll
be looking at the small things, i'm sure, like what happened first and
who said what a minute later, rather than at the big picture, assuming
there's a big picture
<Seveas> The lack of a big picture in peoples heads is the problem
<LjL> probably. honestly, i think we've had a problem, that led to
<Seveas> what problem is that?
<LjL> questioning bans.
<LjL> basically, when someone banned somebody else, we (at least i, but
i think i've noticed that from most of the others) always avoided
questioning it, even if we didn't agree
<LjL> and if the banned person came into #ubuntu-ops and asked, nobody
would say anything, unless the op who issued the ban did
<LjL> i think this has resulted in people having resentments about a few
matters, but never talking about them
<Seveas> True
<Seveas> What would you suggest to solve that
<LjL> what finally happened is that what i call an equilibrium-breaker,
in this case somerville and friends, came, and didn't respect this
unwritten rule
<LjL> when that happened, all other ops felt they could suddenly do the
same, while they never did before
<LjL> as for suggesting, i hardly ever have concrete suggestions... now
much less than usual
<LjL> some people seem to strongly believe that X and Y or Z should
*definitely* be changed in the K way

So, what is X, Y, Z and/or K? What do we need to change for everyone to
be happy, or at least happier than currently?

Some suggestions (note that these are off the top of my head and I may
not even agree to them):

* If someone appeals in #ubuntu-ops, the banning op is not allowed to 
  act, only to defend his actions
* Every ban should be fully commented in the bantracker
* We should get rid of the #ubuntu-ops channel
* We should back each other up more, instead of fighting
* We should write down clearly in which situations to take which actions
* We need more/less ops

Please think about that before the meeting. I hope I'll be there, but my
mothers dog is dying and I may suddenly have to leave. Oh, and don't
think the meeting will finish in 20 minutes, the only IRC meetings that
last that short, are ones where nothing is to be discussed and we
clearly have a lot to work out.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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