IRC Op Meeting

Francis Giannaros francisg at
Mon Dec 18 11:06:35 UTC 2006

On Monday 18 December 2006 10:48, Paul O'Malley wrote:
> count me out I am gone

I wish you'd attend. The point isn't to drag things on -- precisely the 
opposite. It's to sort things out, so that also we can evade any problems in 
the future. This meeting is hardly just about the latest issue -- it's a very 
small part of it, since some people have concerns about the way it was 
handled (I have some, but none of them are about ops' decisions, nor about 
your or Seveas). 

One of the things I've always liked about the IRC community is that it's been 
generally quite free from bigtime controversy; just support: getting on with 
it, and op actions: getting on with it. Particularly compared to, say, the 
fora; and if you look at the times where we have had controversy it's 
involved the fora quite frequently. 

That's why it'd be nice to have a meeting (we've never had a proper one), so 
that we can address a lot of issues. I tried to address many of them from my 
viewpoint, and talk about people's concerns, but it's not enough -- we need 
some group discussion on it.

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