Hi all,<br><br>I had been working on customizing Debian Installer for the last three years and had been involved in creating a customized Debian Installer for my country. I had been actively involved in getting our language "Dzongkha" support in Debian Linux. I am familiar with building the Debian CD/DVD etc.. from the d-i source file using debian-cd. I had used preseeding extensively, am familar with Debian Package management and can build packages from scratch. I am comfortable with most of the programming languages like C, C++, Java etc..
<br><br>I had gone through <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment</a> and wanted to contribute in the development of the alternate ubuntu installer. However I am still confused on how its been branched from the d-i. Could some one point me to the right documentation? And How can I contribute to the ubuntu-installer development?
<br><br>Many Thanks<br>Pema Geyleg<br>DIT, MoIC,<br>Thimphu, Bhutan.<br>