Changing ownership for the ubiquity-slideshow team

Dylan McCall dylan+ubuntu at
Sun Aug 1 21:18:59 UTC 2021


It was pointed out to me that I am still the only administrator of the ubiquity-slideshow team on Launchpad ( This was suboptimal, as evidenced by a long queue of membership requests while I'm off in a parallel universe tinkering with Endless OS instead. (Sorry for the inconvenience!).

I have transferred ownership of that team from myself ( over to the ubuntu-installer team ( so members of ubuntu-installer should be able to manage access for the slideshow team. It's a restricted team so I assume this is a safe thing to do.

I also set the maintainer for accordingly. (For the Ubuntu source package, meanwhile, it looks like the maintainer is set to the slideshow team:

This structure might be a little weird so feel free to wiggle it however you see fit to make it organized - I won't be offended :b

I think that's everything. See you all around!

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