Ubiquity Slideshow
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
jonathan at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 5 03:07:49 BST 2010
Hi artwork/installer teams!
I'm sure that the Ubuntu artwork team as well as the installer team is
well aware that we're currently in UI freeze and that final freeze is
quickly approaching!
Currently, Ubiquity isn't wide enough to display the slideshow, and the
user has to scroll to view the entire contents.
I assumed that it's either a bug that will be fixed in Ubiquity, or that
there will be a new slideshow designed to fit into the new installer size.
I looked at the slides posted[2] by Dylan McCall linked from his blog
post[3], and those don't fit either.
It would be great if there could be some update with the plans for
Ubiquity and the slideshow. If the window will indeed stay smaller, then
I can at least still finish the Edubuntu slideshow before final freeze,
this of course affects other derivatives that uses the GTK front-end
such as mythbuntu and ubuntu-studio as well.
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule
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