Karmic i386 flavour changes

Michael Vogt mvo at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 17 08:33:47 BST 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 02:05:35PM -0600, Tim Gardner wrote:
> The next upload will be an ABI bump to 2.6.30-10.11
> Pursuant to the Karmic flavours Blueprint
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-karmic-flavours
> I've implemented the flavour changes.
> However, I have some questions about upgrading as well as CPU feature
> detection.
> 1) Is the installer intelligent enough to detect the relevant CPU
> features necessary to support PAE, and therefore install the correct
> kernel version ? (Or at least complain that PAE is not supported).
> 2) Similarly for the upgrade manager, can it detect that the legacy
> flavour should be installed instead of upgrading the existing generic
> flavour?

Its easy to add code to the release upgrader to select a kernel based
on /proc/cpuinfo - update-manger already does some kernel selection,
but its pretty limited scope right now (basicly just checking if a SMP
system runs -386 and transition them in this case).

I looked at the spec and its unclear to me we keep the linux-image-386
flavour or if that is removed in favour of -legacy?


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