Karmic i386 flavour changes

Geza Kovacs geza0kovacs at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 04:56:33 BST 2009

On 06/16/2009 07:48 PM, Tim Gardner wrote:
> Perhaps the kernel flavour install decision should be predicated on pae
> as well as the amount of RAM. For example:
> ) PAE and > 4GB RAM - install linux-image-generic
> ) PAE and <= 4GB RAM - install linux-image-legacy
> ) !PAE - install linux-image-legacy
> Of course, this assumes the Live or Alternate CDs can hold both kernel
> packages.

Rather than shipping both kernels on the Live CD, wouldn't it be more
space-efficient to ship just the baseline legacy kernel on the CD, then
have an empty linux-generic dummy package with a low version number (not
the actual kernel) be installed if PAE is supported and there is > 4 GB
RAM; that way the PAE kernel will be automatically downloaded and made
default upon the next system update (or if internet access is available,
as part of d-i's post-install stage)?

> The upgrade algorithm would therefore be:
> Jaunty server --> Karmic generic
> Jaunty generic --> Karmic legacy
> rtg

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