Fwd: libncurses.so.5 error when loading bash "additional package"

Isamar Maia isamar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 05:00:22 BST 2009

Hi Folks,

I've built a small custom install CD for a specific application
following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization

When, I try to install the ISO image, I get the error:

error while *loading* shared libraries: *libncurses*.so.5: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

This happens right after loading "bash" package.

I didn't touch initrd.gz. I only:

1) Added extra packages
2) Changed isolinux
3) Added a new preseed file
4) Did apt-ftparchive for the package groups (main restricted extra)
5) Did a new GPG signature

Please, advise.

Thanks in advance,

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