Preseeded mini.iso fails to install grub

Worth, Kevin kevin.worth at
Mon Nov 12 19:14:28 GMT 2007

Thanks! Definitely not something I would have caught on my own... Yeah we're using debian-helper-scripts just for the "service" command to please redhat-accustomed people, (which seems kind of pointless to me when /etc/init.d scripts work fine), but I can just drop it in preseed/late_command.


-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Watson [mailto:cjwatson at]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 11:06 AM
To: Worth, Kevin
Cc: ubuntu-installer at
Subject: Re: Preseeded mini.iso fails to install grub

On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 06:35:35PM +0000, Worth, Kevin wrote:
> D'oh!


Nov  9 03:41:16 in-target: Setting up debian-helper-scripts (0.10ubuntu1) ...
Nov  9 03:41:17 in-target: create symbolic link `/etc/apt/sources.list' to `/etc/apt/sources.list.default'

The problem is that this package creates the symbolic link using an absolute rather than a relative path. apt-install then tries to test whether /target/etc/apt/sources.list is a file, but fails because /etc/apt/sources.list.default doesn't exist in the installer environment.

I suggest that you skip installing this package, or perhaps install it in preseed/late_command instead if you can't live without it.

I've adjusted apt-install upstream to cope with this, but of course that fix won't land until Ubuntu 8.04 now.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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