online ubuntu install trainer
Two Steps Back
2stepsback at
Sun Nov 11 16:40:01 GMT 2007
Hi Marketing, TC, and installer lists,
Just read through once, then feel free to ignore if you don't like the idea.
(valid for all, but just for clarity, segregating...)
To solve bug #1, we need something interactive beyond what offers.
We need a complete *fake* web2.0-based installation *trainer* for ubuntu (and
linux in general)
Kindly read these:
( is not valid anymore, hosting removed.)
We can start with an install trainer, to begin with, if is too complex.
Then upgrade to cover all hardware configs.
@Training Community:
In third world countries, **nobody** is going to use Linux if you ask people
to trust their systems on a live CD of an OS they have not heard about.
Some typical mindsets:
* Anything that is free (price) is "too good to be true."
* Anything that is free (freedom) is "dangerous to businessmen"
and "communist".
* Google is just an intelligent listing of websites
* Web2.0 is ... what is that? Some new website?
* Why should I switch to Linux if Windows is free anyway?
* How can I be sure about installing Linux on customers' PCs when I myself
have no good quick source of training for installation?
These guys pay hard cash **in bulk** for certain proprietary crapware.
To such massive inertia, only something like a zero-price, online
install-trainer-plus-desktop-simulator will work.
And since the small Linux laptops are cheap, you can sell one to each
assembler and he can use only that one practice the installation.
And then install Linux on customers' PCs/laptops, after he's confident.
Those are my views formed after many "get out" / "sorry, very busy" / "don't
want pirated linux" / "unsupported software" experiences.
Awaiting your views,
Thanks and regards,
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