Problems using germinate, cdimage and debian-cd

Eric Leblond eric at
Wed Jan 17 16:16:58 GMT 2007


We tried to use a combination of the 3 tools cdimage, germinate and
debian-cd to build a custom installation CD ISO (spanning only one CD).
Our idea is to add a project looking like edubuntu because the involved
project is a long term one.

Our main problem is that our few custom packages added via seeds do not
show up in pool/local on the generated install CD.  Only a .udeb file is

The best result we got is a CD which can install a standard Ubuntu system
(similar to the alternate edgy CD), with a custom ubuntu-keyring.

We went through the following steps:

- checkout all 3 tools
- apply small patches to customize the installer using our custom Ubuntu
  packages (tagged for edgy distribution)
- add packages in cdimage/local/packages/pool/local
- compile a new ubuntu-keyring including our GPG key in addition to the 2
  official Ubuntu public keys
- replace ubuntu-keyring*deb with our own in pool/main/u/ubuntu-keyring
  (they have the same version)
- customize ubuntu-cd/ (keyid, unset FASTSUM...)
- disable jigdo (export SPECIAL=1)
- modify seeds and do "bzr ci"
- launch cron.daily to try generating an install CD
- iterate: modify some parameter, move packages away from local/packages
  and test again

In germinate output, we can see messages of the type:

? Unknown dependency debconf by some-custom-package
? Unknown dependency python by some-other-custom-package

It is not clear to us why germinate does not find python or debconf to
satisfy those custom packages.  The custom packages are compiled for edgy
on an edgy machine.

Are these messages related with the fact our custom packages are not
included in pool/local?

Also, how is the seeds cache handled by germinate?  Are cached seeds used
even when using --cleanup option (which does cache seeds but could use
already cached seeds)?

Any help or tips welcome !

Best regards,
Éric Leblond, eleblond at
Téléphone : 01 44 89 46 39, Fax : 01 44 89 45 01
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