I am tempted to compare this mailing list to a forum where you can search thru forum posts and Sticky some posts (the admin) at the top. <br><br>Something like a new mail is sent to a specified id with search keywords and the mailing list software returns a list of posts that match. For a mailing list version of Sticky posts, a few posts are sent to any new member subscribing to the list to go thru that might be pertinent to a new member. Any way exists already?<br>
<br>This post came up after seeing Ramnarayan's post for New users to Ubuntu. I am sure some of us can finds answers to our Q's if we are able to search or look up some good posts meant at a specific issue.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Regards<br><br>Narendra Diwate<br><br><br>