i am creating a web application with multi-lingual interface ,actually its my project to help our country farmer .The main goal of this project is to make them updated with day-to-day happening<br> <br> we planned to have forums and ads module in our website which is updated by user of different language .In this case the multi-lingual interface seems to be bit challenging .i am <a id="KonaLink2" target="_top" class="kLink" style="text-decoration: underline ! important; position: static;" href="http://www.indiabroadband.net/#"><font style="color: orange ! important; font-family: verdana,geneva,lucida,"lucida grande",arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 13.3333px; position: static;" color="orange"><span class="kLink" style="color: orange ! important; font-family: verdana,geneva,lucida,"lucida grande",arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 13.3333px; position: static;">joomla </span><span class="kLink" style="color:
orange ! important; font-family: verdana,geneva,lucida,"lucida grande",arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 13.3333px; position: static;">CMS</span></font></a> which made it simpler to organize the static content.can you give me your suggestions to implement multi-lingual <br> interface mainly for forums and ads.Right now we planned to have only tamil and english in our site ,later we will extend that to different language as possible.<br> <br> One more challenge that lies here is users,in this case the end users are farmers and its our duty to make the application as simple as possible,so we need your suggestion and helps<br> <br> <br> I know its not better to ask this question here......i dont know any mailing this... you can have a look at partially constucted web application here. <a onclick="urchinTracker ('/outgoing/http_agrifriend_x10hosting_com_');" rel="nofollow" href="http://agrifriend.x10hosting.com/"
target="_blank">AgriFriend - Home</a> please dont post anything on that site....<br> Thanks<BR><BR><span style="font-weight: bold;">Thanks a lot ,visit my blog :D</span><br><a href="http://ubuntuslave.blogspot.com/">http://ubuntuslave.blogspot.com/</a> <br><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br></span><p> 
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