Yeah, but think some other way. A Geek (a term for powerusers ;-) will definitly do commandline. But here is the truth my brother. GUI is developed beacuse it has some power to serve. The easy and accuracy and thus thrusting your performance with less error and more productivity. You wont disagree. Right, world changed from CLI to GUI.. Wordprocessors and many other (Movies, picture viewer and editor etc) needs GUI. Have you seen the control panel of Nasa footage, about discovery crash. There was a GUI in it to show the graph.
<br>Simply, GUI gives you the vision by forming pictures and graphs, illustrations of whats happening. You know your friends by remembering the face of their and relating that face with the name, and its voice. Now, when a blind happens to be the case, he has nothing, so he better get practiced remembering by feel and voice, and then relating that to name,. BUt there the poor blind got compromise. Right.
<br><br>Everywhere there is pictorial notation to remember the thing. And if the notation got beauty, it gives more impact than other. Lke the most beautiful lady/girl in your class, or circle.<br>Thats why GUI.<br>NOw what Central tools mean? LIke managing all the computers resources at single place (it would be like doing all the things related to cricket in your playground. Whenever you need that, you just head towards the playground ad not waste your time thinking over some new solution. It can be possible to make a central tool, for example running and configuring all your services in Gnome-control panel, under service catagory, with solid GUI, which lets you do everything possible thru cLI. that way, a noob even can start and play with LAMP. right (just taking example).
<br><br>GUI has an ultimate power, it can serve a noob to advance users, depends on that quality of design.<br><br>HOw many people are comfortable with regular expression, and can do awk to replace certain words by another words. Lets be in, it would be damn easy for them, just replacing all.<br>There is the power of GUI.<br>NOw, we all have to admit, that we really lacks Central Managememt tools. Think of this for a while, a Linux Management Tool, is a GUI where you can manage all sort of things. If Apache package is installed on system, it will put its own configuration module and information into that LMT (Linux Management Tool) database, and will be automatically listed there. Also, the initial launch of Apache will ask the Users about performing configuration, doing all sort of things, and be fault tolerant, built in self intelligence. That would be a sort of perfect application. Thats what we study in computer sc, about those aspects.
<br><br>In short, best GUI gives you beauty and productivity, much higher than the CLI.<br>