I have a couple of old version CDs... 5.10 in which there is a Live as well as Install CD.... although I'm in Pune. If anyone can collect it, it'd be great. <br><br>June aka Sneha <br><br><br><br><br><b><i>Roshan <d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <br>> Dear Sir / Madam<br>> <br>> I am writing to you from Mumbai, and am interested<br>> in<br>> using Ubuntu Linux. I was wondering how could I<br>> obtain<br>> installation and "live" CD's for Ubuntu Linux.<br><br>Now, Ubuntu CD's (AFAIK) come with a combination of<br>LIVE and installable in one CD. (guess, from 6.06<br>onwards)<br> <br>> I am a student and I use Windows on a regular basis.<br>> I<br>> have read a lot about Ubuntu linux and would like to<br>> give it a try. I have also read a lot about how<br>> expensive Windows Vista can be to have and to<br>>
upgrade.<br>> I even have to upgrade my hardware on my PC and<br>> laptop. So I have decided to abandon Windows and<br>> embrace the open source Linux.<br><br>For you curriculum, I guess, you'll still have to<br>stick to Windows, but you can always do that in<br>College. At home you can use Free and Open Source<br>Software (Apart from the fact that you can use<br>"alternatives").<br><br>> Can you guide me as to how do I obtain Ubuntu (both<br>> the CD's)?? I wouuld appreciate any guidance.<br><br>I'm in Mumbai and can help you obtain the CD's after<br>10th of April 2007. Let me know whether you want 6.06<br>/ 6.10. <br>My email id, just in case, you aren't able to find out<br>from the headers ;) ;) <br>d_rosh2001 at yahoo dot co dot in<br><br>If you are further interested in Ubuntu, visit the<br>Ubuntu-India main page http://www.ubuntu-in.org and<br>get going!<br><br>You can also check out the following page that will<br>probably help you get to someone
closer to your suburb<br>http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/CDRequest<br><br>--<br>FSF of India Associate Fellow - http://www.gnu.org.in<br>S K Somaiya College of ASC - http://www.somaiya.edu/sksasc<br><br><br> <br>__________________________________________________________<br>Yahoo! India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new<br>http://in.answers.yahoo.com/<br><br>-- <br>ubuntu-in mailing list<br>ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com<br>https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-in<br></blockquote><br><BR><BR>The Bug<p> 
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