[ubuntu-in] Text Search Application that works for Hindi

Swarup dinbandhu at sprynet.com
Thu Oct 10 19:15:57 UTC 2013

I am still running Ubuntu 9.04 due to the fact that I need an effective
text search tool that works for the Hindi language, and in 9.04 there
was a great text search application called Beagle Search 0.3.9. To this
day I still use it to search all my Hindi text documents, and it works
flawlessly! Unfortunately, Beagle Search was discontinued and I have
never found anything reasonable to replace it. I need a text search tool
which will allow me to set a particular folder which it will then
pre-index, and be able to provide immediate search results on demand
with a window showing the sentence(s) found containing the word. Seems
like such a simple request! But the only thing I found like this in
Ubuntu 12.04 is an application called recoll, and it doesn't give proper
reports on my Hindi text. In this international age, I would think there
would be a good text search tool out there for Ubuntu. Has anyone come
across one?


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