[ubuntu-in] list of indian adopters of linux

K Singh triveni.2com at gmail.com
Wed May 1 18:27:24 UTC 2013


I came across this link today
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_adopters and was wondering which
organisations in India (both private and govt) have adopted linux/foss in
various forms. I think most private organisations which adopted linux/foss
must be happy with their decisions while govt institutions must have only
paid lip service to such an initiative --a case in point is the decision by
NIC to support FOSS or decision by NIC to help adoption of ubuntu in the
judiciary starting from the supreme court of india.

Also it seems the commercial indian linux entities are particularly weak in
promoting/marketing their strengths as most egovernance projects are losing
out to windows as a result of higher corruption and weakness in technical
competence of the indian companies. So ubuntu will be more readily adopted
by the end users in the home/residential segment and the small scale
sector-- whether ngo or private establishments.



May the good belong to all the people in the world.
May the rulers go by the path of justice.
May the best of men and their source always prove to be a blessing.
May all the world rejoice in happiness.
May rain come in time and plentifulness be on earth.
May this world be free from suffering and the noble ones be free from fears.
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