[ubuntu-in] Request for recommending a Small Form Factor computer for Ubuntu

Rishi rishigangoly at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 06:31:06 UTC 2012


I'm thinking of getting a small form factor computer and run Ubuntu
Linux and hook it up to my TV for the display and wireless keyboard
and mouse.

Which one do you recommend?

Basically the box needs to have a built-in mic and option to hook up
audio out to the TV speakers. HDMI or VGA out to hook up to TV for
display. Wireless keyboard and mouse (ideally bluetooth else we end up
using a USB port for the dongle).

WIFI for internet access.

VLC to play movies. :)
Music Jukebox to play music.

I can hook up an external storage box to store music and movies.

Lastly, webcam which can used for Skype video.

How much should I budget for this toy?

+91 9322727415

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