Abhishek Potnis abhishekp2007 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 16:13:56 UTC 2012

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is very much similar to the group
chat used in gmail and facebook with the difference that we use  the
concept of nicknames. You  need to use a unique nickname for participating
in the irc, it is better to register your nickname, so that nobody else can
have the same nickname and also having a fixed nickname helps to identify
people more clearly with whom we are talking.

You can find more info on irc here :

You can use chatzilla if you are using firefox. Chatzilla is an add-on in
firefox to facilitate irc.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> + 1 to what Kingsly says.  (his mail is below)
> And to add - it might be a good idea to explain what irc is and how it
> works and how to join. Am not sure about others - but I have aonly come on
> to an irc channel just very few times and that too very long back. So would
> be happy to learn more and also how to get on and where ?
> thanks
> ram
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Kingsly John <member+ubuntu at kingsly.net>wrote:
>> +++ aboobacker sidheeque mk [2012-07-16 11:26:35]:
>> > Yes ,our loco Team is almost dead , our web site is outdated , No new
>> > activities, still we don't have registration in ubuntu loco team index
>> > ,
>> Good that someone is trying to kick people back into action.
>> >      We have to do some thing seriously , Let us meet @irc in a
>> > convinient time :) , Please replay with your suggestions
>> Don't bother with trying to satisfy everyone's "convenience", you'll just
>> waste a few days and a few dozen useless mails. Just choose a sensible
>> time
>> when everyone is mostly free and at home.(say Saturday post-dinner for
>> example.)
>> It's best to make the irc meetings a regular affair at a fixed time. So
>> people know that the meetings take place at a particular
>> time/day-of-the-week.
>> Given sufficient notice, people who are genuinely interested can
>> definitely
>> make time, if they are too busy to be able to do that, they probably don't
>> have the time to contribute either. (And irrespective of what time you
>> choose, it'll always be inconvenient/impossible for someone or the other.)
>> All the best.
> --
> Ram
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