[ubuntu-in] unable to format pendrive
shuhaib k
shuhaibk54 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 08:19:25 UTC 2012
My SD-Card also have same problem ,please some one help me make it as usable..
On 1/30/12, Alok Singh Mahor <alokmahor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I got a pendrive from friend that is periodically mounting and unmounting
> itself.
> when I plugin it into my laptop its auto mounting as all other pendrives
> without any error. but after about 10 seconds it gets unmounted
> automatically and then remounted again.
> I am able to delete files without any error but after some time it gets
> remounted again and showing all files as it is even deleted files.
> I am unable to format as device gets unavailable
> suggest me how can I make this pendrive usable?
> output of dmesg of my freshly booted laptop is here
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/821961/
> output of dmesg after inserting pendrive is here
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/821976/
> --
> Alok Singh Mahor
> http://alokmahor.co.cc
> Join the next generation of computing, Open Source and Linux/GNU!!
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