[ubuntu-in] PDF's DJVU rendering very slowly (Ramnarayan.K)

Kartik S drskartik at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 16:32:33 UTC 2011

 Had a query regarding pdf and djvu files
> I have some such files varying betwen 5 to 13 MB - from 100 to 400 pages,
> these are digitized copies of some books and literature.
> Compared to other pdf's these files get rendered very slowly - across
> software whether is okular, evince or adode pdf reader for linux.
> My laptop has 4 GB RAM and is a dual core 32 bit system with a pae kernel
> installed,
> Am wondering what could be the issue
> even if i open just one file and let it be (kind of let it load all the
> pages ) it reacts slowly and if i navigate to any page it takes quite a
> while for th page to become visible.
> Any ideas what could be happening and how this rendering could be improved
> thanks
> ram

Have you tried "calibre". It is a e book reader.
You would have to 'load' books into the library initially, it works
very smoothly and supports almost all type of formats and you can
convert from one format into another.

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