[ubuntu-in] request for help with Ubuntu (connecting to Huawei EC152)
ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:28:29 UTC 2011
Dear Shivakiran
my replies inline.
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:49 PM, shivakiran bhaktha
<kiranbhaktha at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ram,
> I am a researcher in physics and have made an entry into the domain of linux
> just recently. i have found your email address while browsing through to
> solve my problem. I have arrived to Bangalore a few days back, and have
> taken up the Tata photon+ mobile broadband service (Huawei EC152). I have
> installed Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) on my HP Pavilion laptop. But, I am still
> unable to connect to the internet. I am facing some problems with
> establishing the connection with NM applet.
> BUT, though I am connected at the terminal, I am not able to connect with
> the NM applet. Can you please help me out and let me know where I could be
> going wrong.
NMhas been having some problems, for quite a while now, sometimes it
has been working (for some people). My nm seems to work partially and
have found that every now and then with upgrades and some package
updates the nm does funny things. Based on this i prefer to work with
wvdial . Initially it is a pain - it does not show if there is a
signal or not etc. However over time one gets used to it. (not a
solution but a suggestion)
> Note that the modem is found at /dev/ttySL0, which is not the case with many
> models of Huawei. Is this to do with the model of Huawei or the Ubuntu
> version?
I think it may be to do with the specific model. Huawei's we've used
attach themselves to ttyUSB0 - however am not sure if this is a big
problem (or even if its a problem at all)
> PS: if this doesn't work out, then I will have to switch to windows which
> will not be a happy transition!!!!
my suggestion is if it works in wvdial continue using it - and make
your self a launcher
right click on the desktop and click on "create launcher"
in type - select application in terminal
in name - give it anything you want
in command - put in your wvdial command
comment you can leave blank
and if you click on the op left spring type icon you can select any
icon that you like to indicate this is your wvdial launcher
I have not answered your original query of why and how nm does not
work but hope that this works for you and also hope other folks have a
solution to your original query. Though i think you may get replies
only if you are on the list.
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